CliCAM ERA Talent – Kamalan Mosas and his training at AGC advances!

We are pleased to share updates on Kamalan Mosas, an ERA Talent researcher from FunGlass center, A. Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovakia, and his nine-month internship at AGC Interpane, Germany.

As part of his training, he is currently working on enhancing the superhydrophobicity of the coated components and optimizing plasma homogeneity in a hollow cathode plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (HC-PECVD) system. 

During a recent meeting, Kamalan presented his surface chemistry analysis findings obtained through X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to Dr. Rebeca Correia, a Coating Process Engineer at AGC Interpane, with the participation of Ms. Rina Mbamkeu and Mr. Malinda Ranatunge. The discussion that followed was highly productive, focusing on strategies to enhance functionalities based on acquired results.

Kamalan Mosas presents his analytical findigs during a meeting at AGC Interpane.

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