CliCAM ERA Talent – Ladislav Čelko – at Les Rencontres Internationales de la Projection Thermique (RIPT) Conference

ERA Talent Ladislav Čelko, accompanied by his mentor from Treibacher Industrie AG, participated at the Les Rencontres Internationales de la Projection Thermique (RIPT) conference held in Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany on June 5-7, 2024. The main objective of their attendance at this conference were to present recent research and product highlights and promote Ladislav and CEITEC BUT as a partner to Treibacher's contacts, obtain the information on recent research and development in the thermal spray technologies, and enhance the presentation skills in a way to attract the industrial sector. The participation at the conference was a part of Ladislav’s secondment training program.

ERA Talent - Ladislav Čelko - presentation at 11th RIPT

Ladislav introduced an invited presentation on a topic:

Processing of Powders for Thermal Spray Technologies

Ladislav Čelko1, Vendula Bednaříková1, Serhii Tkachenko1, Michaela Remešová1, Pavel Gejdoš1, Edgar Benjamin Montúfar Jimenéz1, Karel Dvořák2

CEITEC, Brno University of Technology, Purkyňova 656/123, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Veveří 331/95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic


Initial powders for most common thermal spray coatings applications are available at the market and can be provided by many powder producers worldwide. As it is usually introduced, the metallic powders are manufactured by gas atomization process, whereas the ceramic powders are produced by milling or spray drying techniques. Outside the mainstream powder production techniques, a great variety of methods for processing of powders can be properly adapted to receive the powders with high added value towards its future application. Among those, wet chemistry, solid state, sol-gel and supercritical drying routes, high energy ball milling and spray drying techniques accompanied by the heat treatment aiming on powder calcination and/or reduction can be highlighted. Last years’ up to date experience of our research in this topic will be introduced on several examples of metallic and ceramic powders produced using combined approaches to thermally sprayable powders.

Treibacher Industrie AG at the RIPT conference; Ladislav Čelko & Richard Trache

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