Amir, accompanied by his mentors from Treibacher company, participated in the International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition held in Milan, Italy from April 29 to May 1, 2024. The primary objectives of their attendance at this conference included introducing Amir and FunGlass as reliable partners to Treibacher's contacts, staying informed about the latest developments and outcomes in the field of Thermal Spray, and enhancing presentation skills in a manner that resonates with the industrial sector. The participation at the conference is a part of Amir’s secondment training program.
Amir provided a presentation on a topic:
Hot corrosion behaviour of yttria stabilized zirconia and La2Ce2O7 based dual coatings
Amirhossein Pakseresht, Ariharan Suyambulingam, Anusha Sekar, Milan Parchovianský,
FunGlass, A. Dubček University of Trenčín, Študentská 2, 911 50 Trenčín, Slovakia
One of the promising thermal barrier coatings (TBC) options for use above 1250 °C has been La2Ce2O7 (LC). This work explored the role of dual layered ceramic coatings in the top layer of the TBC system that has been prepared using atmospheric plasma spraying (APS). Above the NiCrAlY bond coat, 8 mol.% yttria stabilized zirconia (8YSZ) coating has been deposited with optimized APS parameters. Over the top layer (8YSZ), another layer that comprises composite with LC and 8 wt.% of 8YSZ (spray dried) has been deposited. Investigations into the hot-corrosion behavior of 8YSZ-LC based TBC subjected to Na2SO4+V2O5 salt at 950 °C for 4 hours. A porous layer made mostly of LaVO4, CeO2, CeO1.66 and YVO4 was developed on the LC+8wt.%
YSZ layer after being subjected to a hot corrosion test in Na2SO4+V2O5 salt. Dissociation of LC and 8YSZ leads to the formation of new phases, such as CeO1.66, CeO2, LaVO4 and YVO4 as the corrosion by products in the extreme environment. The findings indicated that delamination has occurred due to the phase transformation, cavities and cracks in the 8YSZ-LC based TBCs. The molten salt’s hot corrosion mechanisms of the 8YSZ-LC based TBC are discussed in detail. Fur-ther, the potential use of 8YSZ-LC based dual coatings and scope for the future work have been derived from the current study.