ERA Talent Edgar Montufar in Lithoz

ERA Talent Edgar Montufar has gained proficiency in lithography-based ceramic manufacturing through training provided by the expert team at Lithoz, a leading CLiCAM industrial partner specializing in ceramic materials and 3D printers for high-performance ceramics additive manufacturing.

During the intersectoral secondment, Edgar developed valuable skills in designing and processing complex composite lattice structures with multiple materials. He will integrate this expertise into current and future research activities, potentially driving innovations that enhance the competitiveness of both Lithoz and CEITEC-BUT.

Stay tuned for more updates! 🚀🔬

#Innovation #AdditiveManufacturing #LCM #Ceramics #Lithoz #CEITEC #3DPrinting

  • From left to right: Mehdi Mohammadi (Materials Engineer), Edgar B. Montufar (ERA Talent), and Martin Schwentenwein (Supervisor) during Edgar's secondment at Lithoz
  • Examples of multi-material composite structures processed with the CeraFab 2M30 printer

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