Principles governing the protection of personal data

Who We Are

Address of our website:

What kind of personal data we obtain and why we collect them


When web visitors leave their comments, we collect data displayed in the comment´s form, along with the IP address of users and user-agent to ensure protection against spam.

Anonymised string created from your e-mail address (also called hash) can be provided to Gravatar service to verify whether you use it. Principles governing the protection of personal data within Gravatar service can be accessed at: Once your comment gets approved, your profile photograph will be publicly displayed together with the content of your comment.


When uploading pictures to a web page, you should avoid uploading pictures with EXIF GPS data that define position. Web visitors may download and display from the pictures any data about the position.

Contact forms

When filling in contact forms we process information contained in them in case of the information on goods or services. Legal basis for the processing shall be the consent to processing of data.


If you add comment on our website, you can agree with storing your name, e-mail address, and a web page to cookies. This is for your convenience, so you don’t have to re-fill in your details again when adding further comment. These cookies are valid for one year.

If you have an acoount on our website and log in, we will save temporary cookies to determine whether your browser will accept cookies. These cookies do not contain any personal data and are canceled once you close your browser.

At your login we will set a number of cookies to save your login details and display settings. Login cookies are valid for two days, while display settings are valid for one year. If you select “Remember Me”, your subscription will be valid for two weeks. When you log off from your account the cookies are removed.

When editting or publishing an article, your browser will store additional cookies. These cookies do not contain any personal information and refer only to the article´s ID that you have editted. They are valid for 1 day.

Embedded content from other web sites

Articles of this website may contain embedded content (such as videos, pictures, articles and the like). Embedded content from other sites behaves in a manner similar to the visitor visiting another web page.

These websites may collect your personal information, use cookies, insert third-party tracking and monitor your interaction with the embedded content, including watching your interaction with the embedded content, if you have your account on a given web site and are logged in.


We can process data on using our web pages and services (data on the use). Data may contain your IP address, geographical location, web browser and its version, operating system, source of reference, length of visits, page views and navigation routes sites, as well as information on timing, frequency and formula of using our services. Google Analytics is the source of data about use. These data may be processed for the purpose of analyzing the use of web sites and services. Consent along with our justified interests form legal basis for the processing, i.e. monitoring and improving our web pages and services.

Whom we share your data with

In addition to the specific disclosure of personal data, we may disclose your personal data, if such disclosure is necessary for the fulfilment of the legitimate obligations, which we are exposed to, or to protect your vital interests or vital interests of another natural person. We may also post your personal data if such disclosure is necessary to detect, exercise or defend legal claims, whether in legal proceedings or in administrative or extra-judicial proceedings.

How long we keep your data

When you add comment, comment and its metadata are kept separate. Thanks to that we know automatically how to detect and approve any related comments without having to be held for moderation.

For users who are registered on our website (if such exist), we store also the personal data which they provide to their user profile. All users can always view, edit, or delete their personal data (apart from changing their user data). Web page administrators may also view and edit the information.

What rights you have over your data

If you have your account on this website, or you have added a comment, you may apply for export of your personal data stored with us, and which you have provided. You may also ask for deletion of personal data. However, this does not apply to the data we must keep of you for administrative, legal or safety reasons.

Where we send your data

Visitor comments may be controlled by means of an automated service to detect spam.

Your Contact Information

FunGlass – Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín Študentská 2, 911 50 Trenčín, Slovakia
GPS: N 48.8986376 E 18.0471972
+421 32 7400 589